October 15th: A Literary Salon in London!

Is that London calling? Yes, our literary friends on the other side of the Atlantic are launching a new reading series called Saturday Literary Salon. If you find yourself in The Smoke this Saturday, stop by and listen to some talented writers.

London Literature Lounge partners with Tale of Four Cities for a Saturday Literary Salon.

Tale of Four Cities is a forthcoming online magazine set in real locations in four cities – New York, Dubai, London and the first guest city, Mumbai. This project bridges the gap between travel writing and creative writing, bringing together stories that reflect the real and the imagined within our cities.

Saturday 15th Oct 2011

Show 6pm-8.30pm




Entry £5


Hosted by Anjan Saha

Venue information: www.poetrysociety.org.uk

Cafe/bar open all day


Karin Salvalaggio holds degrees in Biochemistry and Graphic Design. Originally from California, she resides in London where she is pursuing an MA in Creative Writing at Birkbeck. Her short story Walleye Junction has just been published in the Mechanics Institute Review 8. She lives with her two children and a very lively dog named Seamus.

Nicholas Hogg was born in Leicester, UK in 1974. After graduating from the University of East London with a psychology degree, he travelled widely, living in Japan, Fiji and the United States. In 2005, he was named winner of the £5,000 New Writing Ventures award for fiction, with Zen — as covered by the Guardian Online, and The Tokyo Catfish, a love story set in the aftermath of a Tokyo earthquake, was a prizewinner in the London Writers contest. In 2007, Paradise, which follows two stowaway children from the tarmac of Mombassa airport to the 2012 London Olympics, earned runner up honours in the 2007 Willsden Herald Short Story competition, adjudicated by Zadie Smith. His first novel, Show Me the Sky, was published in 2008. Nicholas Hogg is currently researching a third novel.

Nina Joshi-Ramsey Left Kenya at fourteen in the violent aftermath of the 1982 military coup to settle in West London. She completed her first novel, RAW SILK, COLD FIRE set in England, India and Kenya; Co-wrote a play, PICKLES, PUJAS AND PIN-UPS, with first act showcased at the Bush Theatre; Writing a second novel, PIPS AND STONES, as part of a Creative Writing MA at Brunel University, under the personal guidance of writer, Fay Weldon. Research help provided by Sir Mark Tully, former BBC correspondent for India, who covered the novel-related incidents of the 1984 Bhopal gas leak and 1987 Deorala sati.

Meera Ashish is a Columnist and Freelance Writer who has contributed to numerous international publications including Conde Nast Traveler, Harper’s Bazaar and Spa Secrets. She studied Economics, Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick and now hops between different continents to write about travel and other experiences in her weekly column for Dubai’s leading paper, Gulf News. Her short story was recently published in the anthology Words Made Flesh. Born and brought up in London, Meera is now based in Dubai and East Africa.

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