It’s your lucky month. Between Valentine’s Day and the Oscars, February’s Sunday Salon will keep you feeling golden. Join us for a spectacular midwinter reading with four dandy writers. At Jimmysno43. 7pm.
Kate Hill Cantrill’s writing has appeared in various literary publications, including Story Quarterly, Salt Hill, The Believer, Blackbird, QuickFiction, Mississippi Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Swink, Wigleaf and others. She has been awarded fellowships from the Corporation of Yaddo, the Jentel Artists Residency, the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, and the James A. Michener Fund. She has taught fiction writing at The University of the Arts, The University of Texas, and the Sackett Street Workshop. She curates the Rabbit Tales reading and performance series in DUMBO, Brooklyn and she recently published her first story collection, Walk Back From Monkey School from Press 53.
Danny Goodman is a writer/editor/teacher living in New York City. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared or are forthcoming in various places, including Paper Darts, Brevity, and Found Press. He edits the literary journal fwriction : review and runs social media for Stymie Magazine. Currently at work on his first novel, he is badly in need of a nap. You can find him here:
Jennifer Pashley‘s stories have appeared widely in journals like Mississippi Review, PANK, Carve Magazine and Swink. She has won The Red Hen Prize for fiction, The Mississippi Review Prize for fiction and the Carve Esoteric Award. Her first collection of stories, States (Lewis-Clark 2007) was hailed by Aimee Bender as “an inviting and well-carved debut,” and her second collection, The Conjurer, is forthcoming from Standing Stone Books. Jennifer lives in Clinton, NY with her husband, two sons, and a wily Jack Russell terrier.
Michael Nye‘s debut short story collection is Strategies Against Extinction. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Boulevard, Crab Orchard Review, Cincinnati Review, Kenyon Review, and New South, among many others. He works as the managing editor of The Missouri Review.