This month, we are thrilled to host an amazing group of out-of-town writers! Joining us from Massachusetts are the fantastic Mel Bosworth, Christy Crutchfield, and Timothy Gager. The wonderful Mike Harvkey and Johanna Lane will be in from Hudson, New York to share their work. Come out to hear some great literature and to give these writers a warm welcome to the city! Jimmys no. 43. 7pm.
Mel Bosworth is the author of the novel Freight and the poetry chapbook Every Laundromat in the World. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hayden’s Ferry Review, Per Contra, New World Writing, and Melville House, among others. Excerpts from Camouflage Country, co-written with Ryan Ridge with illustrations by Jacob Heustis, have appeared in McSweeney’s Small Chair, Santa Monica Review, Hobart, Tin House, and elsewhere. Mel’s book reviews have appeared in HTMLGIANT, The Lit Pub, and American Book Review. He is the series editor for the Wigleaf Top 50 (2014) and the creator & curator of The Small Press Book Review. Mel lives and works in Western Massachusetts.
Christy Crutchfield is the author of the novel How to Catch a Coyote. Her work has appeared in Mississippi Review, Salt Hill Journal, the Collagist, Newfound, and others. She is a contributor to the Small Press Book Review and a native of Atlanta. She writes and teaches in Western Massachusetts.
Timothy Gager is the author of eleven books of short fiction and poetry. His latest, The Thursday Appointments of Bill Sloan (Big Table Publishing), is his first novel. He has hosted the successful Dire Literary Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts for over thirteen years and is the co-founder of Somerville News Writers Festival. His work appears in over 300 journals, of which nine have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His work has been read on National Public Radio.
Mike Harvkey is the author of the novel, In the Course of Human Events, and a graduate of Columbia University’s Creative Writing MFA Program. His writing has appeared in or is forthcoming from The New York Times Magazine, Salon, The Believer, Poets & Writers, Zoetrope All-Story Magazine, Nylon, Mississippi Review and other publications. From 2010 to 2013 Mike was Deputy Reviews Editor at Publishers Weekly. He lives in Hudson.
Johanna Lane’s first novel, Black Lake, came out with Little, Brown in May 2014. She has contributed to The Believer, Book Riot, The Daily Beast, Fodor’s, The Irish Times, Nylon Magazine, and Publishers Weekly. She was brought up in Ireland and now lives in Hudson, New York.